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How to Rank Blog Post On Google?

Whenever we start a blog our main focus is to earn from that it. But to earn from it is not so easy. To earn from our blog it needs to be AdSense Approved first then only we can generate income from it. But only AdSense Approval will not make help us to make money. The article or blog post which we post must have or get traffic on it. To rank our post on Google it is not too easy before ranking you must know the algorithm of Google how it web results work as there are also many competitors of yours on the same field.

In this post you will know about how to rank your blog post. Ranking an article on search engines include fully optimizing if for web results to appear in top of the search results.

Points to be Noted
  • Quality Content 
  • Keyword Research 
  • On Page Search Engine Optimization 
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Backlinks 
  • User Experience
Quality Content

Whenever you write a blog post always ensure that your blog post must provide value to the readers. Not just you should write to show. Because when you write valuable blog post the user get engaged in reading your post for longer time which is good for your blog.

Keyword Research

Before Publishing any blog post you must always do proper keyword Research about the topic of your blog post you wrote. You can take help of many tools available in the internet. Or you can also do by looking at the keywords of the competitors. It must be a "Catchy Title" which makes the readers to open you blog post.

On Page Search Engine Optimization 

As mentioned above always include the keyword in the title, Headings, Description, and also within the article or blog post. Your article must be well structured, with clear headings, paragraph etc.

Mobile Friendly

As per research most of the readers searches on their mobile phones because many of the time they don't carry or have their computer system with them. So you must also ensure that your page must be mobile friendly which means it must not only be seen in desktop mode. It should also open on mobile phones.

Black Links 

You can also create backlinks for your blog post. Which makes Google feel that your blog post is trustworthy. Before creating Black Links know that you should create Black Links from reputable websites or blog.

User Experience

Your first priority not only should be in writing article you must also focus on your website design as it needs to be well designed, properly placed ads and with easy to navigate, with proper working menus. And also format your blog post properly.

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