We will understand about vocational education in detail. We will also know what are the works involved in vocational education, and how we can also take vocational education.
Concepts to be noted:
- What Is Vocational Education?
- Why is it called Vocational Education?
- Is it different from other learning systems?
- Can we become a Human Resource after taking Vocational Education Training?
Vocational Education is a concept of practical learning courses in which the student is made to develop skills for the future job for which they are taking training for like:
- Beautician
- Tailoring
- Bakery Maker
- Furniture Work
- Electrician
- Driving Automobiles
- Plumber
Why is it called Vocational Education?
It is called Vocational Education because Vocation means an individual who does any work to earn his/her living. Vocational Education means the education which gives the education for earning or to earn.
Vocational Education is also said to be:
- Occupational Course
- Technical Course
Is it different from other learning systems?
Yes, it is different from other learning systems because it provides practical learning courses but it does not have any theory education in it. If you are interested in a particular field or job then this course provides you with the detailed practical course of that job or field.
After completing the course, they provide you with a certificate, which is required during the entrance of the job for which you took training or course.
Other courses like:
- Engineering
- B.SC.
These education or courses come under the category of Traditional Education, in which students are provided with theoretical subjects also with practical courses but here theoretical subjects are given more priority. In Traditional Education, the duration of courses is longer. But in Vocational Education or training the time period of these courses is short. In which the student can prepare fast for his future job.
The vocational course which is in demand is Telecommunication because in every company they want highly qualified employees to work there as highly qualified persons have more knowledge which helps the company in their marketing or in their sales.
After taking the course of TeleCommunication there is a highly chance to get jobs like:
- Researcher
- Marketing
- Software Engineer
- Design Development
Let us know some of the vocational Education in Detail:
Audio Engineer: A person who mixes or records vocals, instruments, sound etc. There is a very high scope in the field of Audio Engineering. After completing the course, you can get a job in the media industry to record audio, music industry to mix vocals, instruments, choirs etc.
Photography: It is also a good profession that also comes under the category of vocational education. Because it is a training provided to the individual who is learning photography. There are also many categories in photography like:
- Nature Photography
- Modelling Photography
- Wildlife photography
After doing the course of photography you can get jobs in film industries etc.
Electrician: In here the individual is given training on how to set up electrical appliances.
Foreign Language: It means a translator this job is also in high demand. Because the individual will have to translate language like in a company, some foreign people are dealing with some projects with that company if the foreign people don’t understand his/her language than the translator the language to his/her.
Video Editing: In this field you can work as a freelancer, because nowadays everyone creates videos on social platforms so if you have the skills of video editing then you have a high chance to get an offer in it.
Graphics Designing: In this field you will have to design animations, graphics. Like we get to see in films, cartoons etc. If you complete the course of Graphics Designing then there is also a high chance to get a job in Film Industry etc. To design graphics.
Singing: This also comes under the vocational field because it is taught practically. After completing the course of singing then you can work in projects of films, Tv serials etc.
Dancing: Dancing is also in high demand. After you complete the course of dancing you can work the same like with films etc.
Fashion Designer: Everyone in today's century wants to look good by dressing style, make up. Fashion Designing is also a course in which you are taught on dressing style. After doing this course you can have projects for films, TV serials and also for marriage ceremonies etc.
Makeup Artist: This profession Is also very good. In here he/she is taught how to do makeup there are many academics in which you can learn after completing the course they provide you with a certificate. If you have completed the course of makeup then you can also work with films in which the actors – actresses are needed to be made up not only in films you can also get works in marriage ceremonies, birthday parties, for modelling, for photographs etc.
Can we become a Human Resource after taking Vocational Education Training?
Yes, why not as human resource means an individual who earns so, anyone who earns is called a human resource. If anyone takes the course of tailoring then he/she can open a tailoring shop in his locality area and if in his locality there is no other tailor then obviously customers of his locality will come to his shop rather than going to the further shops by spending on travelling cost.
If anyone opens a saloon again in his locality in this part, if there is also another saloon in his locality, then also if he provides the best haircut then customers will redirect directly to his saloon. It does not mean that if anyone has another shop in their locality then his/her shop will be in loss. If he/she provides the best service to the customers then they can also be in profit.
Topics Covered
- What is Vocational Education?
- What is Vocational Education and its benefits?
- What is Vocation Education types?
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